Category: Physical Therapy

If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident, PT Can Help Mar15th 2021

If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident, PT Can Help

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, StepUp Physical Therapy can help provide the relief you need to start feeling better. Our physical therapists are trained in car accident injury recovery and have the tools to help you recover for all types of motor vehicle injuries. What type of injuries occur after

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Dealing with Strains and Sprains? Feb15th 2021

Strains and Sprains Are Such a Pain, But Physical Therapy Can Help!

Imagine that you are walking through the park on a beautiful summer evening, and then all of a sudden, BAM! You hit the ground. Why? Because your foot magically found a hidden hole, and down you went. Now you’re in pain, collapsed in a heap, and hoping no one saw you go down. This is

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Suffering from Sciatica Pains? Find Relief Today Jan15th 2021

Suffering from Sciatica Pains? Find Relief Today

Lumbar radiculopathy, commonly referred to as sciatica, is a common condition that many people experience. It occurs as a result of irritation to the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve of the body. It stretches from the lumbar spine through the buttocks, and pain from irritation is typically felt in the lower back. However,

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